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Kouření, vapování a koronavirus
Informace Společnosti pro léčbu závislosti na tabáku - odborný článek.
Společnost pro léčbu závislosti na tabáku zveřejnila článek Vaping and SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR VAPERS (po kliknutí je ihned zahájeno stahování; PDF).
V závěru článku jsou uvedena tato doporučení pro osoby, které vapují:
- If you vape do not revert to smoking (if you are a dual user try to become an exclusive vaper)
- If you enjoy vaping and do not smoke quitting vaping must be a personal choice, not an obligation
- Bediscreet and do not call unwanted attention(bear in mind that these are difficult times and that a lot of non-vapers have been exposed to a lot of misinformation).
- Avoid big clouds in public at all costs (even outdoors).
- Use low powered deviceswhenever possible and when others are around. The risk of spreading the virus with discrete vaping in low powered devices is roughly equivalent to the risk of spreading it through normal sedentary breathing.
- Avoid vaping in enclosed publicspaces and try to keep at least 2 meters distance from others when vaping outdoors.